What comes to your mind when it’s Friday? A time to start another adventurous weekend? A time to explore all the rejuvenation that it holds? Truth is, we all have our endless thoughts and feelings about Fridays!
Are you thinking about a way to unwind from the hustling and bustling of work activities? Thinking about what brings the feeling of rejuvenation? Thinking about what evokes the feeling of wellness and vitality? What promotes peace, relaxation, satisfaction, and overall wellness while promoting a warm and spicy aroma?
How else can you think of spending your Friday without essential drops of rejuvenation that will help you go with all the vibes and groove? A blend that will create a memorable Rejuvenating atmosphere to help you relax and flex better.
We recommend the essential oil blends below to give you the best rejuvenating experience of your Friday:
- 3 drops of lavender essential oil
- 3 drops of bergamot essential oil
- 2 drops of lemon essential oil
This blend will give you the rejuvenating spirit for your Friday. Don’t forget we have it all at Blomera Essential Oils. Natural and quality oils you can trust to give you the best blends. We’ve got you covered!
Have a rejuvenating day!