Sound sleep – what more can be more relaxing for your stressed bones than a good sound sleep? Think about a weekend of resting those stressed bones with essential oil goodies. Sleep that would give you rest and relaxation on a weekend.
You don’t have to go too far, searching and scouting for pills that will make you explore a sound sleep to rest. It’s all in our natural and essential oils that will ignite the natural sound sleep that your body needs.
Essential oils will give your weekend a memorable touch and help you relax and rest better. It leaves you sleeping as sound as a newborn.
If over the counter sleep aids and pills aren’t doing the trick? Essential oils are the alternative remedy for sound sleep magic! On weekend tips, below is our Sound Sleep essential oil Recipe for that sound sleep you need on a weekend:
- 3 drops of frankincense
- 3 drops of lavender
Have a good sleep!